[CLC-Discussion] Land Surveyor Expert

Keith Lichtman klichtman at mills-legal.com
Thu Mar 13 12:33:35 PDT 2025

I am looking for a standard of care expert for land surveyors working on commercial projects along the Gulf Coast.  Ideal candidate would be located and practicing regularly in Longboat Key/Sarasota/Siesta Key area.  Please send me the email directly so as not to bother our other colleagues.

Also curious if anyone has experts they recommend to help evaluate the reasonableness of a contractor's spend on corrective work

Thank you.

Keith Lichtman, Esq.
Mills Law Group PA
Florida Board Certified in Construction Law

a: 1397 Carroll Drive, Suite 100 | Atlanta, Georgia 30318
e: klichtman at mills-legal.com<mailto:klichtman at mills-legal.com> | w: mills-legal.com<http://www.mills-legal.com>
p: 770-771-6403 (direct)
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