[CLC-Discussion] Upcoming ADR Subcommittee Presentation

Brian Oblow Brian.Oblow at arlaw.com
Mon Jan 13 09:41:16 PST 2025

As was discussed at today's meeting, the ADR Subcommittee will be presenting at the next meeting on February 10, 2025.  Their topic will be an Insider's Perspective on the New Rules and Recent Trends in Construction Alternative Dispute Resolution.  In addition to reviewing some of the key new rules, they will have a question and answer session with panelists, Jim Nulman and Bruce Norris.  If you have any questions you would like to be included, please send them to Brian Oblow at brian.oblow at arlaw.com<mailto:brian.oblow at arlaw.com>.


Brian Oblow | 
Florida Bar Board Certified in Construction Law, Circuit Civil Mediator, AAA Panel Member
100 N. Tampa Street, Suite 4000 | Tampa, FL 33602
P: 813.227.5515 | M: 813.679.4455
Brian.Oblow at arlaw.com | Bio | vCard | X | LinkedIn
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