[CLC-Discussion] [CLC Discussion] Need referral for Construction Defect Case

gavin at mcleanlawoffices.com gavin at mcleanlawoffices.com
Wed Feb 26 11:25:20 PST 2025

Good Afternoon Everyone, 


I have a construction defect case for a new construction single family home
and my client needs to retain an expert. The property is in Broward County.
Can someone refer me to a good expert that will charge under $4k for a
complete assessment and a report. Thanks.




Gavin C. McLean, Esq. 

Managing Member 




5550 Glades Road 

Suite 400-7 

Boca Raton, FL 33431

Phone: (561) 549-9107

Direct:  (561) 248-3646

 <http://www.mcleanlawoffices.com/> www.mcleanlawoffices.com



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