[CLC-Discussion] Need Referral for Collections Attorney

Keith Bell kbell at clarkpartington.com
Fri Feb 14 08:05:28 PST 2025

Our firm has a deep and experienced creditor's rights bench that can handle complex proceedings through bankruptcy, etc. But, not typically on a contingency (not sure if that is what you meant by "collections attorney"). Happy to see if someone can help.

Keith Bell | Shareholder - President
<mailto:jreeves at clarkpartington.com><mailto:%7BE-mail%7D><mailto:kbell at clarkpartington.com>kbell at clarkpartington.com<mailto:kbell at clarkpartington.com> | <callto:(850)%20208-7029> <tel:(850)%20320-6838> (850) 320-6838<tel:(850)%20320-6838> | Cell: (850) 261-0932<tel:(850)%20261-0932>

Office: (850) 597-7483 | Fax: (850) 597-7591
215 South Monroe Street, Suite 530
Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1804

From: clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org <clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org> On Behalf Of Bryan L. Capps
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 10:38 AM
To: clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org
Subject: [CLC-Discussion] Need Referral for Collections Attorney

I know, I know-we're all collections attorneys (technically or generally speaking), but I've kinda gotten spoiled by money's magically appearing when judgments are entered for our clients. This time it's just not happening, and the heat from the resulting friction between my two brain cells is cooking my brain.

We've domesticated an out-of-state judgment via a Fla. Stat. ยง55.501, et seq., action in Duval County. Judgment debtors are part of a large multi-state, multi-family real estate development enterprise operating out of Jacksonville and very much in business.

Reply to me (not to all) if you know a collections wizard you could commend. Otherwise, have a great weekend!

Bryan L. Capps, Esq.

[cid:image003.png at 01DB7ED0.596FD440]

Board Certified in Construction Law by The Florida Bar

The Construction Law Firm

P.O. Box 560693

Orlando, FL 32856

[cid:image008.png at 01DB7ED0.32EDBC60]

(407) 674-0674

(407) 808-0098

[cid:image010.png at 01DB7ED0.32EDBC60]

bcapps at theconstructionlawfirm.com<mailto:bcapps at theconstructionlawfirm.com>

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Offices: Orlando

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