[CLC-Discussion] Need Referral for Collections Attorney
Justin Zinzow
jzinzow at zinzowlaw.com
Fri Feb 14 07:59:36 PST 2025
Post judgment collections wizard here. Nice to meet you. Our firm has taught advanced judgment enforcement CLE, represented lenders (hard money and institutional), factors, and companies in the hostile takeover business. We have engaged in post judgment collection matters in Florida and in other states where debtors have attempted to move and shelter assets across the country.
Justin R. Zinzow
Admitted to Practice Florida & Texas
AV Preeminent(r) Rated Attorney
Fla. Board Certified in Construction Law
P: (727) 787-3121
F: (727) 375-5593
8750 Hawbuck Street
Trinity, Florida 34655
[cid:image001.jpg at 01DB7ECF.85D488B0]
Construction | Real Estate | Equine | Business
From: clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org <clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org> On Behalf Of Ehrlich, David - (Turner)
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 10:54 AM
To: gavin at mcleanlawoffices.com; bcapps at theconstructionlawfirm.com; clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org
Subject: Re: [CLC-Discussion] Need Referral for Collections Attorney
In my experience, a “collections wizard” is needed in many rolodexes of this group. If anyone has one, please simply reply all. I suspect there will not be many…
David J. Ehrlich │ Senior Corporate Counsel
Board Certified in Construction Law by The Florida Bar
Turner Construction Company │ Florida
mobile 321.417.2551 │ dehrlich at tcco.com<mailto:dehrlich at tcco.com>
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From: clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org<mailto:clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org> <clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org<mailto:clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org>> On Behalf Of gavin at mcleanlawoffices.com<mailto:gavin at mcleanlawoffices.com>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 10:51 AM
To: bcapps at theconstructionlawfirm.com<mailto:bcapps at theconstructionlawfirm.com>; clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org<mailto:clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org>
Subject: Re: [CLC-Discussion] Need Referral for Collections Attorney
You don't often get email from gavin at mcleanlawoffices.com<mailto:gavin at mcleanlawoffices.com>. Learn why this is important<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aka.ms_LearnAboutSenderIdentification&d=DwMFJg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=S1m8fHcxW4IfzbWxVBnddz7v0EMg5uNaaoV2JtOp7Rg&m=5FHEY-gS6hzH8EuzljF4W7b-3gKUHmY8sCU2SO4DJLhq1GwLbBMMNJi_WiGH7TnY&s=pYkNhU1yAcESQ9rt0OQzRdKtOwey0PSlqVln382Gq2g&e=>
EXTERNAL EMAIL - Please Handle Cautiously
I would also like this contact information for my rolodex if needed in the future so please reply to me as well.
Gavin C. McLean, Esq.
Managing Member
5550 Glades Road
Suite 400-7
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone: (561) 549-9107
Direct: (561) 248-3646
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From: clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org<mailto:clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org> <clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org<mailto:clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org>> On Behalf Of Bryan L. Capps
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 10:38 AM
To: clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org<mailto:clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org>
Subject: [CLC-Discussion] Need Referral for Collections Attorney
I know, I know-we’re all collections attorneys (technically or generally speaking), but I’ve kinda gotten spoiled by money’s magically appearing when judgments are entered for our clients. This time it’s just not happening, and the heat from the resulting friction between my two brain cells is cooking my brain.
We’ve domesticated an out-of-state judgment via a Fla. Stat. §55.501, et seq., action in Duval County. Judgment debtors are part of a large multi-state, multi-family real estate development enterprise operating out of Jacksonville and very much in business.
Reply to me (not to all) if you know a collections wizard you could commend. Otherwise, have a great weekend!
Bryan L. Capps, Esq.
[Logo Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
Board Certified in Construction Law by The Florida Bar
The Construction Law Firm
P.O. Box 560693
Orlando, FL 32856
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(407) 674-0674
(407) 808-0098
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bcapps at theconstructionlawfirm.com<mailto:bcapps at theconstructionlawfirm.com>
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Offices: Orlando
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