[CLC-Discussion] Construction Jury Instructions
Bruce Partington
bpartington at clarkpartington.com
Wed Sep 25 07:44:41 PDT 2024
There's a whole set at the back of the Florida Bar's Construction Law and Practice book.
And in the commercial and business instructions there's one on the measure of damages based on Grossman Holdings.
Bruce Partington | Shareholder
bpartington at clarkpartington.com<mailto:bpartington at clarkpartington.com> | (850) 432-1399<tel:(850)%20432-1399>
Board Certified Specialist in Construction Law
Office: (850) 434-9200 | Fax: (850) 432-7340
125 East Intendencia Street, 4th Floor
Pensacola, Florida 32502
From: clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org <clc-discussion-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org> on behalf of Michael Sasso <msasso at sasso-law.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 9:36 AM
To: clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org <clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org>
Cc: Michael Adam Sasso <masasso at sasso-law.com>; Wendy Gory <wgory at sasso-law.com>
Subject: [CLC-Discussion] Construction Jury Instructions
Dear Counsel,
Does anyone have a good reference source for Jury Instructions specifically geared toward design and construction defects? I would appreciate any advice. Thank you very much.
Mike Sasso
Michael C. Sasso
Board Certified in Construction Law
Sasso & Sasso, P.A.
1031 West Morse Boulevard, Suite 120
Winter Park, Florida 32789
Telephone: (407) 644-7161
Facsimile: (407) 629-6727
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