[CLC-Discussion] Indiana construction lawyer

Johnathan Ayers jayers at stearnsweaver.com
Fri Sep 20 06:58:12 PDT 2024

Good afternoon,

Can anyone provide recommendations for a construction lawyer admitted in Indiana to advise an Owner in the negotiation of a commercial construction contract (design-build) for a project in Indiana (the project is located in Indianapolis)?  Thank you in advance.

Johnathan Ayers, Esq.
Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler
Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A.
150 West Flagler Street, Suite 2200
Miami, FL 33130
Direct:  305-789-3517
Email:  jayers at stearnsweaver.com<mailto:jayers at stearnsweaver.com>

Certified by the Florida Bar in Construction Law

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