[CLC-Discussion] CLC June 10 2024 Meeting

Kurian, Sanjay SKURIAN at beckerlawyers.com
Mon Jun 10 07:48:04 PDT 2024

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Sanjay Kurian
Office Managing Shareholder
Board Certified in Construction Law
Becker & Poliakoff
Six Mile Corporate Park
12140 Carissa Commerce Court
Suite 200
Ft. Myers, 
SKURIAN at beckerlawyers.com
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From: constructionlaw-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org <constructionlaw-bounces at lists.flabarrpptl.org> on behalf of RPPTL constructionlaw <constructionlaw at lists.flabarrpptl.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2024 7:05:52 PM
To: RPPTL constructionlaw <constructionlaw at lists.flabarrpptl.org>; clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org <clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org>
Cc: Welsch, Dillon <Dwelsch at beckerlawyers.com>
Subject: [RPPTL-constructionlaw] CLC June 10 2024 Meeting

Good evening CLCers, This is your reminder that our monthly CLC conference call and CLE will be tomorrow Monday, June 10͏​​‌͏
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Good evening CLCers,

This is your reminder that our monthly CLC conference call and CLE will be tomorrow Monday, June 10, 2024, starting at 11:30 A.M.  Our CLE presentation for this meeting will be Economic Loss Rule presented by High Higgins.

An attendance link will be circulated in the morning.

Attached are the following: (1) the agenda for Monday’s meeting and (2) minutes from last month’s meeting.
The speaker’s materials will be sent after the presentation.

CLE NOTE:  For CLE course numbers for past meetings, please have your assistants check the CLC website for course numbers.  Here is the link to the Committee website (you will need to log in) to check for CLE credit information:  https://rpptl.org/DrawCommittees.aspx?GroupCommitteeTypeID=5&GroupCommitteeID=59<https://links.us1.defend.egress.com/Warning?crId=6666354ae7120947753478b5&Domain=beckerlawyers.com&Lang=en&Base64Url=eNrLKCkpKLbS1y8qKCjJ0csvStd3KUosd87Pzc0sKUlNLdZLLC6osHcvyi8tgAuGVBakerrYmqqhCoOELAHP-R3b&@OriginalLink=rpptl.org>  Please also note we do not report your CLE for you.  You will need to self-report your CLE credits, which you can do through your account at The Florida Bar website.  Here is a link to The Florida Bar’s website:  https://www.floridabar.org/<https://links.us1.defend.egress.com/Warning?crId=6666354ae7120947753478b5&Domain=beckerlawyers.com&Lang=en&Base64Url=eNrLKCkpKLbS1y8vL9dLy8kvykxJTEos0ssvStcHAI-KCho%3D&@OriginalLink=www.floridabar.org>

CLE NOTE FOR OTHER STATES:  Some states require that we track attendance in order for participants to qualify for CLE credit.  If you are seeking credit for the presentation from another such state, please record your attendance using the link above.  If you were in attendance last month and your name is not reflected on the list, please send me an email so that I can record it.

Zoom Link
Join Zoom Meeting  https://beckerlawyers.zoom.us/j/82503132938<https://links.us1.defend.egress.com/Warning?crId=6666354ae7120947753478b5&Domain=beckerlawyers.com&Lang=en&Base64Url=eNrLKCkpKLbS109KTc5OLcpJLK9MLSrWq8rPz9UrLdbP0rcwMjUwNjQ2sjS2AABckQ5M&@OriginalLink=beckerlawyers.zoom.us>

Meeting ID: 825 0313 2938

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Meeting ID: 820 9280 9184

Sanjay​​​​              Kurian
Office Managing Shareholder
Board Certified in Construction Law
Becker & Poliakoff
Six Mile Corporate Park
12140 Carissa Commerce Court
Suite 200
Ft. Myers,
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