[CLC-Discussion] Pickle Ball Expert

Robert Doan robert.doan at cobbcole.com
Wed Jun 5 07:16:20 PDT 2024

Anyone have an expert that can testify on standard of care for painting/surfacing pickle ball courts?  A tennis court person would probably suffice.   Please directly replies to Robert.doan at cobbcole.com .  Asking for a colleague.

[cid:constructionlaw_7ab6c3d7-3a03-4936-8963-fa75b9540868.png]  Robert Doan
Board Certified Construction Attorney
Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator
Cobb Cole
231 North Woodland Boulevard
DeLand, FL 32720
(D) 386-736-7700 | (F) 386-785-1549
Website<https://cobbcole.com/> | Bio<https://cobbcole.com/attorney/robert-e-doan/>

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