[CLC-Discussion] that's so interesting

gelaw2 gelaw2 at att.net
Thu May 4 23:27:21 PDT 2017


I've got something very interesting for you, you'll love it for sure! Just  check  it  out here http://ladon.ferdiworks.mobi


From: clc-discussion [mailto:clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org]
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 2:27 AM
To: gelaw2 at att.net
Subject: Same here.

I've always watched soccer but only decided to start following the premier league after  this  world  cup. I did a bit of  research and chose to support liverpool.  I'd like to say it was because I liked their  play style or  their history,  but honestly, I think I could have spent hours looking into that stuff and  end up finding good reasons to support any team.
So my approach  was  a little more clinical:

I ruled  out any teams who tend  to finish in the  lower half of the table, mostly  because I can't risk my  team  getting relegated and making it really hard to watch games from here in New Zealand.

I also  ruled out teams  which have dominated in recent years - Chelsea,  Man  City  and Man  United. I wanted victories to  feel special  and not expected. I  wanted to follow a  team which had a small chance of winning the league  and not one that was likely to win every other  year.

That left a  few options, and  I  picked out Liverpool for a number of small reasons, including players  - past and present,  colours, song and  recent form.

And  to answer  the original question: it's been great! Following  a team in the premier  league has got me watching  games every week  and I'm really enjoying  it. And following Liverpool has had exactly  the  ups and downs  I was looking for  in a team.

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