[CLC-Discussion] (no subject)

Alexander Williams awilliams at flbbwlaw.com
Tue Jun 5 08:15:40 PDT 2012

and now for something completely different...

I am putting together a list of projects where a storm drain system utilizing HDPE pipe and/or the pavement above failed, regardless of the alleged cause, i.e., installation, soil, compaction, dewatering, physical damage, manufacturing, etc.  If anyone has had experience with such a situation, I would appreciate knowing the year, place, and generic description of the problem.  Thank you.

Alexander J. Williams, Jr., Esq.
Ferencik Libanoff Brandt Bustamante and Williams, P.A.
150 S. Pine Island Road, Suite 400
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33324
Tel:  (954) 474-8080
Fax: (954) 474-7343
Cell: (954) 562-3143
awilliams at flbbwlaw.com<mailto:awilliams at flbbwlaw.com>

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